Supported Living Mortgages
Supported living mortgages in the UK are specialised financial products designed to facilitate homeownership for individuals requiring long-term care or assistance due to physical or mental disabilities.
These mortgages enable supported living providers, such as housing associations or private care organisations, to purchase or adapt properties tailored to the unique needs of their residents.
By offering flexible terms and conditions, supported living mortgages help ensure that vulnerable individuals have access to secure, suitable housing while receiving the necessary support services. This approach fosters independence, enhances quality of life, and promotes the integration of disabled individuals within the community
Contact us below to discuss Supported Living Mortgages
or call 01844 390910
Type of Property, Adaptations, Occupancy
Value per use, LTV ratios, Interest Rates
Regulatory Compliance, Licenses, Impact on value
Rental income, Sustainability, Cost of Care
Insurance coverage required & key risks
What type of supported living will the property be used for (e.g., assisted living, group homes, independent living with support)?
Are there any special adaptations or modifications needed for the property to accommodate residents with disabilities or special needs?
How many individuals will be living in the property, and what are the occupancy arrangements?
How is the property valued given its specific use as supported living? Are there specialized valuers familiar with supported living properties?
What LTV ratios are available for supported living properties?
Are there specific interest rates or terms available for supported living properties compared to standard residential or commercial properties?
Does the property comply with local regulations and standards for supported living facilities?
Are there necessary licenses or approvals required to operate a supported living property? Have these been obtained?
How might changes in regulations impact the property's value or the ability to secure financing?
What are the terms of the lease agreements with tenants or with the supported living service providers? If the lease is with a Housing Association are they government registered?
Registered providers of social housing – updated monthly - GOV.UK (
How secure are the tenancies or occupancy agreements in supported living properties?
What is the expected rental income from the property? How is it structured (e.g., through direct payments, housing benefits, private pay)?
How sustainable is the income stream? Are there long-term agreements in place with local authorities or care providers?
What are the associated costs of care and management for the property, and how do they impact overall profitability?
What factors could impact the future resale value of the property?
What is the current and projected demand for supported living accommodations in the area?
Are there any market trends or changes that could impact the viability of the supported living property?
Some lenders will not deal direct with customers, with this area being specialist we would suggest speaking with an experienced broker to guide you.
01844 390910
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